Ways to Use a Pendulum

Many people think of pendulums as only being useful for yes or no questions. After using them for the past few years, I find them to be much more communicative than only simple positive/negative answers. They are a way for us to connect with our innate intuition so we can be more in tune with ourselves and the world around us.

I mostly use pendulums in my work with reading chakras. I am fascinated by the stories that are told to me from this simple tool. No two readings are ever the same. The qualities of the spinning or rocking of my rose quartz on a chain reveals a lot of information.

A couple of the basic movements of the pendulum are clockwise, counter-clockwise and back and forth. When I teach my workshops, I invite my students to get to know their new tools. "Ask the pendulum to show you yes, to show you no." Each one has its own personality and way of expression, just as each person do. Really, the pendulums are just an external expression of our inner knowing, so since we are each unique, why wouldn't the pendulums be? 

In a world where technology reigns supreme, the ancient art of dowsing with a pendulum may seem like a relic of the past. However, this simple tool can be a powerful aid in unlocking mysteries, gaining insights, and tapping into intuition. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, learning how to use a pendulum can be a fascinating journey into the realms of the subconscious mind and beyond.

**What is a Pendulum?**

A pendulum is a weighted object suspended from a fixed point that can swing freely. Traditionally, pendulums were made from materials like crystal, metal, or wood, although modern versions may incorporate a variety of materials. The most common design features a small weight attached to a chain or string.


**The Basics of Pendulum Dowsing**

Using a pendulum involves tapping into your subconscious mind to access information that may not be readily available to your conscious awareness. The pendulum acts as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious realms, providing a means of communication.

**Step 1: Choosing Your Pendulum**

Selecting the right pendulum is an important first step. Allow yourself to be drawn to a pendulum that feels comfortable and resonates with you. Crystals or symbolic objects have specific properties that can enhance the pendulum's effectiveness. Trust your intuition when choosing your pendulum.

**Step 2: Establishing Communication**

Before you begin using your pendulum, it's essential to establish a clear method of communication. Hold the pendulum by its chain or string between your thumb and forefinger, allowing it to hang freely. Start by asking “show me yes”. Observe the direction in which the pendulum swings. Then ask “show me no”. After that “show me maybe or I don’t know”. It could be clockwise, back and forth, counter clockwise… It's essential to establish your own unique signals with your pendulum through practice and experimentation.

**Step 3: Clearing Your Mind**

To effectively use a pendulum, it's crucial to quiet your mind and remain open to receiving guidance. Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on the pendulum. Focus yourself and set aside any doubts or distractions.

**Step 4: Asking Questions**

Once you've established communication and focused your mind, you can begin asking your pendulum questions. Start with simple inquiries, such as whether a specific vitamin or food is good for you or if you should put your attention on some project or another. Be specific and avoid asking overly complex questions that may lead to confusion. Yes/no questions with details are best. For example, “is it in my best interest to take 2 of these multivitamins today?” Specific number, specific item and specific time.

**Step 5: Interpreting the Responses**

As the pendulum responds to your questions, pay attention to the direction and intensity of its movements. Remember that the pendulum's responses are influenced by your subconscious mind, so it's essential to trust your intuition when interpreting the signals. If you're unsure about a response, you can always ask for clarification or rephrase the question.

**Step 6: Practice and Patience**

Like any skill, pendulum dowsing requires practice and patience to develop proficiency. Take the time to familiarize yourself with your pendulum and experiment with different techniques. Trust in your abilities and be open to learning from each experience.

**Advanced Techniques**

Get a Channeled Chakra Reading from Sarah Cura

For many years now, I have been using my pendulum as a way to tap into people’s chakras to get a deep understanding about what that person is currently experiencing in their life at this time. It is a beautiful process that, in essence, reveals what the client already knows but may not be able to put their finger on at that time. We all have blind spots to ascepts of our life. That is why we need the reflection of another person to help us understand ourselves. It is always an honor for me to connect with another person in this way.

To get a reading for yourself, please sign up here.

Learn for yourself!

In my Reading Chakras with a Pendulum course, we practice a specific method of using the pendulum. We work with 4 basic movements - clockwise, counter-clockwise, head to toe, and side to side. By combining these four movements with the story of the 7 chakras, we learn how to tell a story about what is happening in a person’s life at this moment.

To sign up for this course, click here.

Using a pendulum can be a fascinating and rewarding journey into the realms of intuition and inner wisdom. Whether you're seeking guidance, gaining insights, or exploring the mysteries of the universe, the pendulum can serve as a valuable tool on your spiritual path. With practice, patience, and an open mind, you can unlock the secrets that lie within and discover the limitless potential of pendulum dowsing.


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