Reading Chakras with a Pendulum Online Course

Are you curious to learn how to read Chakras?

Would you like to learn to use a pendulum to heighten your intuition?

Do you feel open to a new way of understanding yourself and others?

“I truly enjoyed learning with Sarah. A very well structured course, easy to understand and I feel all has been covered. I'm feeling very motivated to start and gain confidence and knowledge! Thank you”.

Emilia R.

What’s included:

✓ Learn how to use a pendulum to read people's chakras

✓ How to read in person

✓ Long distant reading

✓ What a pendulum is and how to use it,

✓ What each chakra has to tell

✓ What each movement of the pendulum tells us

✓ How to discuss your results with the person you are reading

Delivered online with:

✓ Reading Chakras With A Pendulum WORKBOOK

✓ 2o Online Videos

Meet your instructor

Sarah Cura

Sarah Cura has been offering in-person workshop teaching people to dive deep into what the chakras can tell us and how we can connect with those chakras through pendulum readings for many years now. She created a Self-Guided Workshop book but it just wasn't enough... 

SaraCura is so happy to offer this popular workshop ON-LINE! 

Don’t feel ready for the online course or videos aren’t your thing?

Buy the self-paced WORKBOOK here instead:

Reading Chakras with a Pendulum eBook

Explore the world of chakra reading with SaraCura's Reading Chakras with Pendulums eBook, empowering you to comfortably wield this tool, deepen your intuition, and unlock the mysteries of the chakras, catering to energy practitioners, intuition seekers, and those drawn to understanding and assisting others on their spiritual journey.

To order a printed version of this book, please go to Amazon.