Spiritual meaning of Blue Sponge Coral

Understanding the energetic properties of blue sponge coral.

Name: Blue Sponge Coral
Color(s): Gray Blue
Mineral Information: calcium carbonate in crystal form called aragonite
Chemical Make-up: CaCO3
Hardness: 3.5
Where they are found: From Florida and the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean, West Indies, Pacific Coast of Mexico and Panama.

About Stone: Blue Coral is also known as Sponge Coral,as it contains many tiny holes on its surface. Its color comes from iron salts in the water. All tumbled Blue Coral on the market is natural, enhanced only by cutting, tumbling, and polishing. The largest Blue Coral reef in the world is located off the Ryukyu Island chain in southeastern Japan. Based on its current size the Ryukyu Reef is believed to be a little over 1000 years old. Coral was included in many early lapidaries, texts which describe gemstones and their powers.
Zodiac Association: Aquarius and Sagittarius
Metaphysical Properties: Blue Sponge Coral dispels fear and brings calm and tranquility to a troubled mind. It quiets the emotions and brings peace within. It’s associated with the throat chakra.


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