Spiritual meaning of Aventurine

Understanding the energetic properties of aventurine.

Name: Aventurine
Color(s): Green, gold-brown
Mineral Information: Tektosilicates, quartz (silica group) & often contains tiny particles of mica, hematite or goethite.
Chemical Make-up: SiO2
Hardness: 6.5
Where they are found: Brazil, China, Japan, Russia, Tanzania, and the United States. Green Aventurine is most commonly found in India, while Chile, Spain, and Russia have good quality white, gray, orange, and gray material.

About Stone: Aventurine’s name comes from Italian, “A Ventura”, meaning “by chance”. Aventurine can be recognized by the flecks of mineral inclusions that give it a sparkly look. It is also the gemstone for your 8th year of marriage.
Zodiac Association: Aries
Metaphysical Properties: Protects the heart, enhances creativity, and is an all purpose healer. Initiates a deep purification of your physical body, especially the vital organs. Helps emotional pain and is a soothing stone.


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