Third Eye Chakra

The Sanskrit name of the 6th chakra is Ajna. The Third Eye chakra is the center of intuition.

Name: Ajna

Meaning of name: Command, summoning

Location: point between the eyebrows

Element (Tattva): Mahatattva – the supreme or great element in which all other elements are present in their pure essence

Color: Purple (Western system), Transparent, luminescent, bluish or camphor white (Tantric system)

Shape: A circle with 2 petals

 Petals of Lotus:  Two

Seed Sound (Bija Mantra): AUM

Expression: I see.

Emotion: Unconditional truth

Key Word: Vision

Aspects: Self-realization

Sense: Intuition

Animal: Owl

Herb: Mugwort, star anise, acacia and saffron

Food: mind-altering substances

Source of : Insight

Seat of : Visions and visioning

Imbalances: Glandular or endocrine issues: hormonal imbalances; growth or development issues; difficulty planning for the future; eyesight issues; adolescent issues

Contains: Self-image and the means of shaping one’s view of self and the world

learn more with the chakra ebook

learn more with the chakra ebook

Reading Chakras with a Pendulum eBook

Explore the world of chakra reading with SaraCura's Reading Chakras with Pendulums eBook, empowering you to comfortably wield this tool, deepen your intuition, and unlock the mysteries of the chakras, catering to energy practitioners, intuition seekers, and those drawn to understanding and assisting others on their spiritual journey.

To order a printed version of this book, please go to Amazon.