Sacral Chakra

The Sanskrit name of 2nd chakra is Svadhisthana which means sweetness. The Sacral chakra is the centre of enjoyment and passion.

Name: Svadhishthana

Meaning of name: Dwelling place of the self (sva – self or prana, adhisthana – dwelling place)

Location: Genital region

Element (Tattva): Water

Color: Orange (Western system), Transparent, white, light blue (Tantric system)

Shape: Circle

Petals of Lotus:  Six

Seed Sound (Bija Mantra): Vam

Vowel Sound: Oo

Expression: I feel

Emotion: Peaceful, socialization, sexuality, desire, pleasure , creation & procreation

Key Word: Feeling, creativity

Aspects: Procreation, creativity, sensuality

Sense: Taste

Animal: Crocodile

Herb: Sweetgrass

Food: Liquid

Source of: Feelings; creative energy; birthing and gestation activities (for babies, businesses, ideas, projects, etc), women’s power

Seat of: Feelings and our awareness of them; creative abilities; female identity

Imbalances: Bladder & kidney trouble (childhood issues); excessive tears; control over fluids in the body – blood, bile, water, lymph, etc; fertility issues; women’s issues such as PMS, candida, uterine problems; issues from stored, stuck or unexpressed emotions from self or others; co-dependency (literally taking on and storing another’s feelings); creative blocks

Contains: Feelings of self and others

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learn more with the chakra ebook

Reading Chakras with a Pendulum eBook

Explore the world of chakra reading with SaraCura's Reading Chakras with Pendulums eBook, empowering you to comfortably wield this tool, deepen your intuition, and unlock the mysteries of the chakras, catering to energy practitioners, intuition seekers, and those drawn to understanding and assisting others on their spiritual journey.

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