Root Chakra

The Sanskrit name of 1st chakra is Muladhara. It is the survival center.

Name: Muladhara

Meaning of name: Foundation, Base (mul – base, adhara – support)

Location: Perineum, base of spine, the first 3 vertebrae

Element (Tattva): Earth

Color: Red (Western system), Yellow (Tantric system)

Shape: Square

Petals of the Lotus: Four

Seed Sound (Bija Mantra): Lam

Vowel sound: O

Expression: I have

Emotion: Fearlessness & stillness

Key Word: Awareness

Aspects: Security

Sense: Smell

Animal: The 7 trunked elephant

Herb: Cedar

Food: Meat & protein

The source of: Passion, raw feelings, including rage, terror and joy; survival energy; material energy for achieving life purpose; fundamental programming about what we deserve in and out of life.

Seat of Existence on the physical plane: The will to live

Imbalances: Obesity, greed & hoarding; root area for addiction and compulsions; nervous system disorders; some circulatory, skin or reproductive issues; family dysfunctions; any childhood abuse issues; money, career, and finance issues; questions about housing, food & basic needs.

Contains: Our roots, including family values, beliefs, and heritage; original feelings about ourselves, outright to exist, our right to occupy space, our right to be loved, our right to get our needs met; material energy for achieving life purpose.

learn more with the chakra ebook

learn more with the chakra ebook

Reading Chakras with a Pendulum eBook

Explore the world of chakra reading with SaraCura's Reading Chakras with Pendulums eBook, empowering you to comfortably wield this tool, deepen your intuition, and unlock the mysteries of the chakras, catering to energy practitioners, intuition seekers, and those drawn to understanding and assisting others on their spiritual journey.

To order a printed version of this book, please go to Amazon.