Spiritual meaning of Tiger's Eye

Understanding the energetic properties of tiger's eye.

Name: Tiger’s Eye
Color(s): Gold/yellow with brown; deep grey with black; red
Mineral Information: Silicon dioxide, macrocrystalline quartz
Chemical Make-up: SiO2
Hardness: 7
Where they are found: Africa, Austria

About Stone: Told to contain both the power of the Sun and the Earth, the ancient Egyptians used Tiger’s Eye to transmit the power of the Sun God Ra, to create material success. As Tiger’s Eye combines the Sun energies and the Earth energies they help to create a high vibrational state that is grounding as well, which in turn draws spiritual energies down to the Earth.

  • Tiger’s Eye is a member of the Chatoyant group of Quartz, the fibrous crocidolite mineral is the cause for this shimmering and flashes of light; presenting in several colors according to the exact nature and amount of the inclusions. Tiger’s Eye is black with iron oxide staining that creates the yellow and brown stripes.

  • Hawk’s Eye is Blue and is less silicified than Tiger’s Eye, but is the same material

  • Bull’s Eye or Ox Eye has a dark red/mahogany as it’s chief color

  • Cat’s Eye a term coined in the 18th century is not a Tiger’s Eye as the chatoyancy is not the same This is not a term generally used any longer as it is also a term applied to the green variety of Chrysoberyl

  • Eagle’s Eye is another name for Pietersite

  • Falcon’s Eye is a term used for Hawk’s Eye in Germany

  • Red & Strawberry Tiger’s Eye are a result of having been heated naturally or artificially

  • Tiger Iron is similar to Tiger’s Eye with a Hematite rich make up

  • Wolf’s Eye is a term sometimes used for a material whose color make up is somewhere between the brown of typical Tiger’s Eye and the blue of the typical Hawk’s Eye

Zodiac Association: Capricorn
Metaphysical Properties: Enhances psychic abilities & brings clarity. It can help discipline the sexual & emotional life, thus allowing one’s life to open and blossom. Tiger’s Eye stimulates wealth and helps to maintain it. It brings protection & practicality, softens stubbornness and balances male/female energy. Aids in confidence, and draws people & material possessions to the wearer.


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