Spiritual meaning of Rudraksha

Understanding the energetic properties of rudraksha.

Name: Rudraksha
Mineral Information: A seed produced by several species of large evergreen broad-leaved tree in the genus Elaeocarpus
Where they are found: the foothills of the Himalayas to South-East Asia, Nepal, Indonesia, New Guinea to Australia, Guam, and Hawaii

About Seed: Rudraksha is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the name Rudra (“Shiva”) and akṣha (“eyes”). One Hindu legend says that once Lord Shiva opened His eyes after a long period yogic meditation, and because of extreme fulfillment He shed a tear. This single tear from Shiva’s eye grew into the rudraksha tree. It is believed that by wearing the rudraksha bead one will have the protection of Lord Shiva. The rudraksha fruit is blue in colour but turns black when dried. The central hard rudraksha uni-seed may have 1 to 21 faces.
Zodiac Association: All signs
Metaphysical Properties: Endowed with cosmic powers to elevate the soul and assist on the path of ascension. It is believed that the Rudraksha contains the secrets of the entire evolution of the cosmos within it. According to the ancient Vedas, Shiva cried tears of compassion for humanity and his tears became Rudraksha Seeds to assist humanity in our healin


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