Spiritual meaning of Rose Quartz

Understanding the energetic properties of rose quartz.

Name: Rose Quartz
Color(s): pale pink to deep reddish pink, and from opaque to transparent
Mineral Information: Macrocrystalline quartz
Chemical Make-up: SiO2
Hardness: 7
Where they are found: Madagascar, Brazil, Colorado, Scotland, Russia

About Stone: The universal stone of Quartz presents in a soft and lovely shade of pink called Rose Quartz. Very pale in color, transparent varieties are not as abundant, as they are usually so pale that they show no color at all except in very large specimens.
Regularly referred to as the “Love” or “Heart” Stone, Rose Quartz is a gem of unconditional love, whose energies help to open oneself to all forms of available love: self love, familial love, platonic love, romantic love, and more. Rose Quartz will give just the proper enhancement of love in virtually any situation. Additionally known to lower stress, bring happiness and soothing to the soul…as does love. It is also told to enhance one’s capacity to love others as well as oneself.
Rose quartz came to be known as the stone of love and reconciliation from the Greek myth about Aphrodite and Adonis. Their blood was commingled when Aphrodite was cut by a thorn bush while saving Adonis from an attack by Ares (disguised as a wild boar). Their blood stained white quartz to make it a rose-pink color. Later, it became customary for the Romans to use the stone as a gift of love.
Zodiac Association: Taurus
Metaphysical Properties: Brings love & is calming and soothing. It is used to increase self love and feelings of self worth. It brings healing and clarity to the heart and allows the wearer to learn to trust again. By balancing the emotions and healing emotional wounds, it brings peace and calm. Helps the wearer slow down and take it easy. Its loving nurturing energy takes away fears, resentment and anger & gently replaces them with a feeling of higher self esteem and confidence.


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