Spiritual meaning of Rhodochrosite

Understanding the energetic properties of rhodochrosite.

Name: Rhodochrosite
Color(s): Deep pink to raspberry red
Mineral Information: manganese carbonate; often contains calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc
Chemical Make-up: MnCO3
Hardness: 3.5 -4
Where they are found: Argentina, Peru, China, Romania, Poland, Newfoundland, United States

About Stone: Rhodochrosite is a soft mineral sometimes confused with rhodonite. In its pure form, it is a vibrant bright pink color. Often times, calcium and other minerals find there way into the mix, the end result being a beautiful light pink color with white banding. Occasionally you will also find brown and white rhodochrosite. Rhodochrosite is very rarely faceted, most often it is cut in a cabochon style to set into jewelry. The word rhodochrosite is derived from Greek and means rose-colored. Rhodochrosite is the state mineral of Colorado and is often found in silver mines. Until people started actively looking for good quality rhodochrosite specimens, they were routinely discarded in mine dump piles.
Zodiac Association: Scorpio and Leo
Metaphysical Properties: Helps develop inner freedom by neutralizing the destructive behavioral patterns that restrict personal growth and undermine physical health. Promotes energy to help you rebuild a healthy, solid, and efficient emotional foundation. For loneliness, loss, healing o fmatters of the heart, & inner child issues. A stone of love and balance.


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