Spiritual meaning of Lepidolite

Understanding the energetic properties of lepidolite.

Name: Lepidolite
Color(s): pink, red, or purple
Mineral Information: lithium-rich mica mineral
Chemical Make-up: K(Li,Al3)(AlSi3)O10(OH,F)2
Hardness: 2.5 to 3.5
Where they are found: Brazil, Madagascar, Australia, Russia, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and the United States

About Stone: Lepidolite is derived from the Greek word "'lepidos" for scale and "lithos" for stone. Lepidolite can only form in geochemical environments where high concentrations of lithium are available for mineral formation. Lepidolite is a rare mineral because these geochemical situations rarely occur. Lepidolite is an important ingredient in aventurine. The aventurescence and color of pink, red, and purple aventurine sometimes seen in the stone is often caused by the presence of tiny flakes of lepidolite within the quartz.
Zodiac Association: Libra
Metaphysical Properties: Lepidolite's high lithium content can result in attitude change, increased drive, self-confidence, and finding joy within the little things. Lepidolite has softening energies that can calm your emotions and promote self growth so you can open up to the world around you.


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