Spiritual meaning of Howlite

Understanding the energetic properties of howlite.

Name: Howlite
Color(s): Soft white, grey veinin
Mineral Information: Calcium-silicon borate with hydroxyl
Chemical Make-up: Ca2SiB5O9(OH)5
Hardness: 3.5
Where they are found: Nova Scotia, California

About Stone: In the raw, it’s found in cauliflower-like masses. This versatile stone is named for Henry How, a 19th century mineralogist, who found it first in Nova Scotia. Because howlite is soft and takes on rich hues of color when it’s dyed, it becomes an inexpensive alternative to more costly stones. Its natural color is like snow softly falling. Dyed, it looks like luscious lapis lazuli or cherry red coral or turquoise.
Zodiac Association: Gemini & Virgo
Metaphysical Properties: A stone of awareness. Prepares the user or wearer to receive wisdom and attunement from the Higher Self and the Divine. Decreases an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress, and anxiety, bringing calm and relaxation. It is also used for dimensional travel and healthy meditation.


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