Spiritual meaning of Garnet

Understanding the energetic properties of garnet.

Name: Garnet
Color(s): Red, green, orange
Mineral Information: Garnet is a group of aluminum silicates and calcium silicates.
Chemical Make-up: Mg3Al2(SiO4)3)
Hardness: 6.5 – 7.5
Where they are found: Mali, Vietnam, India, Alaska, Mexico

About Stone: The deep, glossy red color of garnet resembles the juicy seeds of a pomegranate, which is perhaps why its name is derived from the Latin word for pomegranate seeds, granatum. In Greek mythology, a pomegranate was often given as a gift of passion and associated with eternal love. In ancient history, travelers wore garnet gemstones because they were believed to light up the night and provide protection from nightmares and accidents.
In the middle ages, garnet was commonly believed to guard against poison. Royals would often drop a garnet gemstone into a glass of wine to ensure they were not poisoned to death. Garnets were also worn by the crusaders as an aid to safely find their way home. Eastern European folktales speak of garnets being worn around the neck to guard against night-wandering vampires.
Garnets were also used in burial jewelry and carved signet rings to proclaim royalty during the Bronze Age (300 BC).
Garnet is popularly known as a dark red gemstone, but it is actually a group of gemstones that can be a variety of colors (although dark red is the most common). The six subtypes of garnet are: almandine, andradite, grossular, pyrope, spessartine, and uvarovite. Pyrope is the most often made into jewelry.
Birthstone: January
Zodiac Association: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius
Metaphysical Properties: Helps dissolve negative energy. Speeds up manifestation by bringing your creative energies to the forefront. Garnets have a loving energy and are very cleansing and purifying. Stimulates creativity, passion, & the circulatory system.


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