Spiritual meaning of Citrine

Understanding the energetic properties of citrine.

Name: Citrine
Color(s): Golden yellow to deep yellow and yellow-orange
Mineral Information: Macrocrystalline quartz
Chemical Make-up: SiO2
Hardness: 7
Where they are found: Russia, Spain, France, and Hungary

About Stone: Iron is the element which gives Citrine its warm golden color. Citrine is formed when amethyst is exposed to heat when forming. Some people even call citrine “burnt amethyst”. When citrine and amethyst are found together in one piece, it is called ametrine and is very sought after.
Natural citrine is very rare and is found in small amounts in only a few places in the world. Russia, Spain, France, and Hungary are known for natural citrine. Most citrine you see on the market is actually amethyst or smoky quartz that has been heat treated. The heat treatment changes to color of the stone to a shade of yellow. It is difficult to tell natural citrine from heat treated citrine unless you are a gemologist and know what to look for.
Birthstone: November
Zodiac Association: Gemini, Aries, Libra, and Leo
Metaphysical Properties: Associated with prosperity, success in business dealings and abundance. It promotes optimism and encourages harmony in the home and work environments. Citrine transmutes negativity and is considered to balance the thyroid, activate the thymus and improve circulation. It brings a bright, sunny, sensual warmth to your life. Aids kidneys, liver, spleen, & intestines.


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